Matthew Cassady – Equality or Superiority ?

The modern-day feminist not only demands equality, they’re trying to redefine it. 

Equality is where everyone begins at the same starting point; given more or less based on achievements and hard work.  

Yet, that’s not the correct definition for many of today’s liberated women. In fact, it’s not about equality at all. It’s about superiority.

While the United States offers women more opportunities to succeed than any other nation on the planet (the very reason foreigners flock to America), they neglect to consider where women are granted more priveledges over men. 

Privileges which …

  • Financially enslave men, 
  • Put men’s lives on the line, and …
  • Place men in jail without due process. 

It’s not likely today’s feminist would willingly give up any of those advantages for true equality across the board. Yet, there are many instances in American culture where women have the upper hand. 

Women Can Choose Parenthood

When a woman gets pregnant she has three options:

  1. Legally murder her child: abortion. 
  2. Choose not to list the father of the child on the birth certificate and give the child up for adoption. 
  3. Surrender the baby to a safe haven location. 

However, if the woman chooses to have the child (the right thing to do), she can demand financial assistance from the father. 

Consider the double standard.

If a woman doesn’t feel ready to be a mother, she can legally end her child’s life. She’s applauded for her decision by those on the Left. Yet, if a man doesn’t feel ready to be a dad, he’s told, “You should’ve thought about that before you had sex.”  If this is a true statement, why does a woman have the option and a man does not?

The argument, likely, is she’s the one who has to carry the child. However, why does that excuse her from the responsibility of raising the child? The same responsibility forced on men?

Should a man also have the choice not to be a dad? This is not a noble act by any means. Real men would handle their responsibility, not push to have their child murdered so they could selfishly live a life free from responsibility. Yet, if we’re just talking about legal rights, this is not fair for men. 

Plus, in American society, if a woman chooses to abort her child or give it up for adoption, she’s considered (by the Left) to be empowered. Exercising her right to choose. Yet, if a man prefers not to be a parent, recommends his partner gets an abortion, he’s classified as a douche bag. 

So, a woman can have a child legally murder her child and hailed a hero. A man can abandon the child and be hailed a deadbeat.

Women Don’t Have To Agree to Die for their County

When a woman reaches the age of 18 she’s not required to sign a Selective Service card

When a young man turns 18, he’s obligated to sign one.

If he doesn’t, in some cases, he may not be able to get a driver’s license, take advantage of state or federal programs, or college financial aid. Women, however, have access to all those things without signing the card. 

Plus, they can vote for a politician who would send men to war. 

If the draft should ever be initiated again, women will be safe from serving in the military. However, men will be obligated to serve should the U.S. government require it.

By Default, Women are Granted More Custody in Divorce

Many believe the court system is fairer in divorces when it comes to custody. 

That’s not an accurate statement. 

Of course, each custody battle is determined on a case-by-case basis.

However, it’s more common for women to get the majority of custody and force the ex-husband to pay. If a father wants equal parenting responsibilities, he has to prove he’s worthy to have it, which is very expensive. 

While men are just as capable of raising kids, by default women automatically get the title of ‘primary caregiver’. 

Plus, the question comes up, why does the man have to get less custody and pay child support if the woman chooses to leave him (excluding cases of physical assault). 

Women can choose to end a marriage and even go on to have affairs and their ex-husband is forced to provide financial support and granted less time with his kids. In retrospect, he basically pays his ex-wife to be a part-time mom; giving her every other weekend off and the occasional overnight stay with dad. 

Not uncommon to hear women complain about the less than adequate monthly payment they receive which barely covers all the child’s necessities. Why didn’t they consider that issue before choosing to file for divorce? And, why did she not have a game plan as far as a job? She cannot expect to be a stay-at-home mom, financially supported by her ex-husband, while she dates other men, and demand to be treated equally. 

Men Pay More for Insurance

The scale is unbalanced when it comes to insurance premiums.

Women tend to get lower premiums than men do.

If a man has a spotless accident record, he’ll still be charged more for car insurance than a woman with a spotless record. One of the reasons being, men statistically are more daring behind the wheel during their youth.

Yet, if feminist desire equality, shouldn’t they demand the field be leveled?

Men have a strike against them simply for being men. If true gender equality is the ultimate goal of today’s feminist, shouldn’t they be fighting with lawmakers to ensure everyone begins with the same rate?

Only those who choose to drive recklessly and acquire speeding tickets would receive higher premiums. Regardless of gender, everyone is granted the same luxury rates as well as the same increases based on driving performance. 

When it comes to health insurance – again – men are charged more. 

Healthcare companies justify this based on research which indicates men – in general – dies sooner.  And, since men are predicted to die sooner, health care providers know they’re more likely to pay out a claim. Yet, if the wife should die before her husband, does he get the same amount paid out to him? Not likely. 

This is a case of a few good students getting punished for the other bad student’s behavior. 

Sexual Assault Accusations

Women can cry ‘rape‘ and immediately the Court of Public Opinion will side with them. 

We’re not living in an age of ‘innocent until proven guilty.’ It’s the other way around; ‘Guilty until proven innocent’.

Even if a man’s found innocent, the accusation will follow him for years.

People left to wonder, was he really innocent? Or, was the victim pushed into dropping the case? Yet, if a man is truly innocent, and his female accuser sticks to her story, the accused will have to fight hard in court, spend a lot on an attorney, and even serve jail time while his court case is pending. 

If a man were to accuse a woman of sexual harassment, she would likely get a slap on the wrist. In the age of #MeToo, men have become an enemy.

Today accusations come out of nowhere when a woman stands to benefit from it.

This is not indicating a woman’s accusations and experiences – if she was sexually assaulted – are irrelevant. No one disagrees, if a man is guilty he should face the consequences. The point being made, today there are more accusations coming out of the woodwork. Like the ones which surfaced during Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency. The public was not aware of any majority sexual harassment actions on the President’s part until he declared he was running for president.   

Picking from a Smorgasbord 

Five areas where women have the advantage and not likely to give up anytime soon. 

(WARNING: The following video contains explicit language.)

Feminists seem to pick and choose which parts of the supposed ‘male privilege’ they like,  discarding the less appealing aspects of masculinity like paying for meals on dates, working blue collar jobs, or playing the part of protector. 

For example, when a crisis happens, is it still ‘women and children first’ or ‘children and everyone for themselves’? If a group of men and women should ever find themselves on a sinking Titanic it’s likely even the most hardcore feminist will play the ‘… but I’m just weak woman needing rescued’. 

Matthew Cassady: Feminists say abortion is EMPOWERMENT

In the 1993 film ‘Schindler’s List’, directed by Steven Spielberg, there’s a scene where the main character Oskar Schindler (played by Lian Neeson) is speaking with Nazi soldier Amon Goeth (played by Ralph Fiennes).

Schindler explains what real power means.

His explanation is simple. Real power is when justice is deserved for an offender. However, instead of punishment, the judge pardons them. 

Goeth is an evil Nazi soldier who hates the Jewish people. The movie depicts scenes where he’s standing on a balcony overlooking a concentration camp holding a rifle, shooting and killing Jewish prisoners as target practice. Within his mentally disturbed mindset, killing Jews was no more wicked than killing ants.

During World War II murdering Jews was legal in Germany.

Many followers of the ruthless Adolf Hitler felt empowered when carrying out horrific acts on the Jewish race. It showed how one person could manipulate millions into normalizing wicked behavior.

While Americans condemn the Jewish holocaust, it has slowly and silently surfaced within the United States and become a legal fixture in American culture for over 40 years.

Modern Day Nazi Holocaust

Many of the same Nazi-inspired strategies are at work eliminating a complete generation.

baby shadow in hands

The Left is fully aware what abortion means, specifically the end result.

It’s regaining freedom from responsibility by ending another human being’s life. Regardless, it’s a selfish option feminist and the far Left supporters believe should be available to women who want to opt out of raising a child.

To keep momentum going for the cause, pro-choice advocates push the idea a woman is ‘empowered’ when she chooses death over life.

Very similar to how Hitler persuaded millions to follow him.

Germany laid in ruins following the first World War. His initial desire was to restore Germany. He promoted the idea of a superior Arian race capable of dominating the world. Then put out false claims the Jewish race was a cancer and the blame for many of Germany’s problems. Therefore, they would need to be cleansed from Germany to support what he claimed to be ‘a greater cause’.

It was Hitler’s passionate speeches which drew the attention of millions of people. People he was able to inspire to accept false accusations about the Jewish people and superiority of the Arian race.

Very similar to how feminists convinced the U.S. government to legalize abortion.

There were passionate speeches which contained cleverly crafted reasonings as to why it needed to be legalized, and how it would EMPOWER women more. Supposedly, abortion was also explained to serve a ‘greater purpose’.

Creating A Demon

Feminist groups refer to women as ‘heroines’ for their bravery to walk into a clinic and tear apart or suck out a living being from their body.


As Hitler demonized Jews as the reason for holding Germany back from achieving greatness, pro-choice advocates demonize men as oppressors over their bodies. Men who were supposedly forcing women to be baby carriers. A cleverly disguised conspiracy to not only demonize men but convince millions of people women were living a real-life ‘Handmaids Tale’ culture.

It was four decades ago where shame tactics and distorting reality convinced male lawmakers to play along with the lies that abortion was necessary.  

Today, lawmakers who actually support pro-life causes are still too weak to push legislation to overturn it.

Therefore, the law stands. 

Yet, going back to the original point, while abortion is legal, it equates to the atrocities Jewish prisoners endured at the hands of sadistic Nazi rulers.

To walk into a clinic and ask a so-called ‘specialist’ to dismember or suck out a living human being is the ultimate hate crime against humanity. If those who claim to be open-minded and supportive of women’s causes and look outside themselves, abortion would likely not be a thought as killing a living thing would not support another living being’s right to pursue happiness.

Like Jews during the holocaust, innocent babies have now become an enemy.

Surprised pregnancies are now referred by many as, ‘unwanted’. A term such as ‘unwanted’ is an indication humanity is leaning toward normalizing evil behavior and actions against the innocent. Blaming the child for holding a woman back from achieving greatness.

This ‘unwanted’ child is viewed as a cancer which needs to be removed versus the innocent human being they are.

Men Are Deadbeats … Women Are Courageous

A way to get men on board is to promote abortion as a benefit to them.

Remember, men don’t get to choose parenthood. If the woman he slept with gets pregnant and chooses life (good for her) and decides to keep the child, she can force the father to make child support payments (which he should). Why? Because he’s just as responsible for the child as the mother is.

The father is not a victim of injustice. Before going into the bedroom, he knew there was a chance – even if he or she were using birth control – his partner could get pregnant. While he can choose not to be a part of his child’s life, a court can force him to financially support the child.

If he’s upset a portion of his income will go toward a child he didn’t want, people on both sides of the political isle will be quick to remind him, “He should’ve considered the possibility before he had sex.”

If a man says he doesn’t want to be a part of his child’s life or he prefers his career over his child, his decision is considered – by society’s standards – to be selfish and inconsiderate. He will carry the stigma of being a deadbeat and a loser.

Any man who chooses to neglect his children is not considered a victim nor admirable for doing so.

The only way to get out of financially supporting the child is to encourage the mother to abort the child.

Here’s the irony, if the mother chooses abortion to pursue her career, she’s honored for her decision to terminate (i.e., kill) her child. She’s considered a victim and alleviated of any stigma for her CHOICE to abort the child.

Similar to men, women should not get a free pass to have an abortion simply because they don’t feel ready to raise a child. While many fathers are not any more prepared than the mother, the father is forced to take part in some way and harshly criticized if he abandon’s the child and mother. Yet, it’s acceptable for a woman to murder her child, where she may be even praised for being ‘brave’ and ‘courage’s’ to make such a difficult decision.

As far as choices, upon giving birth the mother can father can give the child up for adoption or take the child to a Safe Haven. Both options alleviate the biological parents of the responsibility of raising their child and the child is allowed a life they deserve.  That is considered a win-win.

Making Abortion Sound Logical

Hitler used the power of persuasion through passionate speeches and selective educational resources to portray the Jewish race as the enemy. Millions bought into his demented mindset.  

Keep laws off my body

Here in America humanity was targeted in 1970’s when abortion was made legal.

Feminists were successful in altering the truth to make abortion sound logical, titling it ‘Freedom of choice’. Their angle was ‘reproductive rights’. An odd term they chose considering no one was taking away their right to reproduce. Yet, calling it, ‘death by dismemberment’ likely wouldn’t have drawn much support.

Similar to Hitler’s success in creating the delusion Jews were an enemy of the state which needed to be extradited, feminists have created the same one about the child inside a woman’s body. Using false logic, claiming the being growing inside of them is not a living thing, just a clump of cells. However, medical research shows us it only takes days for a child to begin forming in the womb. Plus, science has confirmed life does begin at conception.

Then came the argument that a woman deserves rights over her own body. However, everyone is limited by the government of what they can do with their body. Not just women. For example, …

  • The government places restrictions on food and drugs Americans can legally put into their bodies.
  • The government determines the legal age Americans can smoke and drink.
  • The government determines the age at which a person can have sex (which no one would disagree with in this day and age of pedophilia).
  • In most states, prostitution is illegal.
  • There are laws against indecent exposure, meaning certain areas of the body are to be always covered up.
  • The government can draft men to go to war if the need should arise.
  • You go to jail and face fines if you drink and drive.
  • No one is allowed to assault someone unless it’s in self-defense.

When you look at all the bullet points, while one could claim the government is infringing on people’s rights to live how they choose, the reality is these laws are to protect people from hurting themselves or others. The same laws should apply to the unborn. To ban abortion would do just that, prevent the murder of a child.


Anyone can pursue a career, but what’s a career?

Mom holding baby

It’s an occupation which pays you, helps financially support a certain lifestyle, and provides someone with a purpose until they retire. Then the individual’s hard work and success is passed onto someone else. Eventually, they’re forgotten.

There’s no honor in killing an innocent child outside or inside the womb.

While a man is considered a deadbeat and loser for choosing to abandon his child (as he should be) a woman is certainly no better for aborting it. A man who chooses freedom over responsibility would not be considered COURAGEOUS or EMPOWERED by making that decision.

Honorable men are the ones who take responsibility and become part of the child’s life. Doing so gives them a chance to provide a real purpose to influence their son or daughter.

There is where the EMPOWERMENT and COURAGE come from.

True POWER is a woman who has her child, raises it, works hard to make a living, and when she retires, she finds herself rewarded with grandchildren and no regrets.  

Matthew Cassady: Hitting Women Back

It was a right hook which one entitled young women received, teaching her “when you hit someone, you’re likely to get hit back”. 

A viral video, now at the center of controversy, spawning a nationwide debate which challenges traditional social norms around gender.

The Incident

THE DATE: November 4, 2017

THE PLACE:  Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida

On a beautiful Florida afternoon, the Miami Hurricanes faced off against the Virginia Tech Hokies. Throughout the game, a Miami fan, Bridget Frietas, consumed a lot of alcohol. Reports indicate she was running high on ‘liquid courage’, and began getting belligerent with some fans in her section; screaming a number of profanities at them.

Four officers were called to the section where the 30-year-old Hispanic woman was seated.

Authorities attempted to escort her to the nearest corridor to speak with her. Yet, intoxicated and running high on emotion, she refused to leave. Following several requests, the four officers, along with two men and one woman, lifted Freitas up over their shoulders and began to carry her up the stairs to the corridor.

Freitas was not going out without a fight – which she now understands was a big mistake. She kicked and waved her arms while being carried up the stairs to the corridor. During her temper tantrum she slapped Miami-Dade Detective, Douglas Ross, who was retraining her right leg; immediately afterward, Ross’s fist connected with the right side of Freitas’ face, knocking her back like a rag doll.

Freitas has been charged with felony battery on a police officer and disorderly conduct misdemeanor. Reports do not indicate she spent any time in jail.

The cop, of course, is on a temporary suspension following an investigation.

Based on initial responses over social media, it appears the majority of comments lean heavily in the officer’s favor. People saw a woman, acting like a brat, being carried out like one, get serve a mouth-full of justice.

Could this be a possible sign our culture has woke to what a genderless society looks like? What equality across the board really means?

It certainly begs the question; should there be exceptions to how genders are treated?

How It Was Originally 

For centuries men were taught to honor and protect women.

When instances of women being physically assault happened, society was quick to come down harshly on the male abuser. If a man was caught doing something inappropriate – such as a husband cheating on his wife – she could slap him and be applauded for standing up for herself.

In instances where a man physically assaulted a woman, he would be viewed as a ‘weak’ and classified as a ‘bully’, drawing a plethora of insults. This cultural norm, I do believe, is still present in our nation today.

Again, the original expectation was for men to honor, respect and protect women. Not use their size to intimidate and force them into submission. And, if a woman were to get upset and slap a man, generally the assumption was he was asking for it.

Equal Rights With Added Benefits

The feminist movement helped further women’s causes and, as a result, leveled the playing field. 

Aside from the random male chauvinist, the majority of men are supportive of women equal rights.

Yet, today, not everyone is on the same page when it comes to physical retaliation against women. The third wave feminism movement has complicated the matter. While there’s no argument it’s NEVER acceptable to hit a woman out of anger or while being verbally provoked, the debate is whether a man should have the right to retaliate if a woman initiates an assault on him first.

With equality being the focal point of the feminist movement, it seems many were under the impression certain privileges still applied.

Many feminist still believe they have the privilege of hitting a man for whatever reason she deems fit, expecting no physical retaliation. This was not part of the initial ‘equality’ standards they advocated to acquire.

This is comparable to accepting a higher paying job and not realizing what responsibilities came along with it. The employee does not have the right to pick and choose which duties to perform in their new position. The responsibilities are the same across the board for whoever is offered the position. Duties are not simply altered as a result of gender, race or sexual identification.

In the past, many women would use their gender to carry out physical assaults, knowing both men and women would come to their aid should their male victim retaliate. The irony is the present-day feminist push for a genderless society while retaining certain privileges bestowed to their gender.

So where does this leave us as a nation?

Is it more important to focus on the creation of a genderless society? Or, should American culture work harder to remind men how to treat a lady and simultaneously teach women the importance of respecting men?